A spectacular hike along a bisse

Walk along a bisse, facing a splendid panorama, which criss-crosses the mountains above Crans Montana.
Bisses are open water pipes, which are(were) used to irrigate the meadows, for drinking water, for watering livestock and washing clothes. Most of them are located on the dry southern slopes of the Valais. These wooden canals were built by ingenious Valaisans, who hung them on beams fixed to the rock.
The Bisse du Ro is said to be 500 years old. The mountain hiking trail along this irrigation channel, cut into the rock, is spectacular. It is imperative not to be afraid of heights to make this hike, despite the very quiet start at the Tseuzier reservoir. If you take this trail, you will see a wonderful view of the Lower Valais which is absolutely fascinating as the flamboyant larches compete with each other in panache.